Te Whanake Shop
Information about each of the textbooks, study guides, teachers' manuals and
the bilingual Māori dictionary of the Te Whanake series. Online purchases can
be made from this website.

Te Whanake Podcast
Online listening and speaking activities associated with the Te Whanake
textbooks for extra practice with the dialogues, vocabulary, and sentence
patterns of each chapter.

Te Whanake Videos
Streamed television programmes that complement Te Whanake, including Tōku
Reo, the television series for beginners. These videos will help to develop
language skills, particularly listening comprehension.

Te Whanake Animations
Online modules of animated movies and activities that complement the Te
Whanake textbooks.

Te Aka Māori Dictionary
An enhanced online bilingual dictionary that includes a selection of modern
and everyday language with encyclopaedic entries, idioms, and grammatical
explanations. It is indexed to the Te Whanake textbook series.
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